Monday, December 5, 2011

First Draft of Argument Paper

This is a very rough draft of what my paper will look like. I am in the process of reviewing and editing it as well as creating a Reference Page. I will post this version now so that I will not be caught without a post at 11pm. I have a habit of losing myself in a project and not realizing what time it is in reality. Thanks! :)

            As time extends, so do our waistbands. Obesity has become an issue in our country. Families on the go would rather spend an average of forty dollars on food to go than cook a meal at home. The calories in the average Fast Food burger are equivalent to what a person should have in one day. It is no wonder why Americans are having issues with weight. This issue has grown exponentially causing the government. Even though the government has created new laws that help guide how we eat, Americans should be held accountable to following these new regulations.
            New legislations have been debated over years in regards to the obesity epidemic, because the government believes people need an incentive. Most people do not know how to address the problem, because another person cannot control what a person puts in their mouths. Therefore legislation is trying to control what happens in a person’s wallet. As stated in Rob Longley’s article, “Big Brother - Thinner Brother, Can legislation prevent obesity in America?” “Some insurance industry officials have suggested charging obese persons higher premiums.” This is due to the heightening costs of obesity-related health care, which is currently about $117 billion dollars. Yet the message is clear Americans need to monitor their eating habits.
            It is expensive to eat healthy. Most Americans will confirm that buying a salad from a store is more expensive than a burger at a Fast Food restaurant. With the economy at a steady decline, Americans are more than ever concerned about the money in their wallets. So why would anyone follow the suggestions of the government, when it is easier to say than to do? Who really wins? The medical centers that treat people with obesity are those that benefit the most from illness related to obesity, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. As stated in Michael Pollan article, “Big Food vs. Big Insurance,” “There’s lots of money to be made selling fast food and then treating the diseases that fast food causes.” It is a cycle. We eat poorly to save money so we can pay our medical bills, but we lose even more money, because of our poor eating habits. Americans must break the costly cycle, but we need some help.
            Since Americans cannot control their calorie intake, new regulations have been passed to insure that most public restaurants insure consumers the lowest calorie intake and a choice on what to eat. Fast Food restaurants have had to change how they prepare food as well as show the calorie intake for each item. It is a way to alert consumers on what they are eating and the most cost effective item is not always the healthiest. The Federal Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee has also made new guidelines that, “[Americans] are to engage in regular physical activity, urging adults who want to lose weight to participate in 60 minutes to 90 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise daily,” as said in Kim Krisberg Article “New Dietary Guidelines Advocate Physical Activity, Calorie Control.” Americans must contribute to the reform; we must make the right decisions.
            Although most Americans believe it is unjust that the government has created new policies that restaurants must follow, it is for the betterment of America as whole. This change causes the restaurants to spend more money on healthier products such as cooking oil and condiments. They also must spend more on advertisement as well as the addition of Nutritional Facts to what they sell. Yet this is beneficial for those that take their health seriously. Even for those that are not as concerned with their health, they have been warned. This in turn increases the accountability each individual American has for their health.
            Americans must be accountable for their own eating habits. It is no longer the fault of the restaurant with the juicy steak that shoots a person’s cholesterol sky-high. The government has warned us and has tried their best to open healthier options for us all. It is what we do with these opportunities that will define what our health as a country will be in the future. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

De-Stress So You Can Do Your Best

Welcome back everyone. I hope everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing Thanksgiving. As finals/ final project due dates are nearing us at a rapid pace, I decided to dedicate this post to 5 ways we can de-stress ourselves.

1. Meditation: This is a fast and effective way to lower your stress level. One of my favorites is laying down on the bed or any flat surface for 8 minutes. Easy? Not really. The hardest part of the 8 Minute Meditation is emptying your mind of all thoughts and only concentrating on your breathing while relaxing every muscle. It takes a while to perfect it, but it is beneficial when you do.

2. Yoga: Some of you all may be groaning, but it is true. Yoga is relaxing. There are different levels of Yoga so be sure to pick the one that is best for you. I particularly like and recommend Power Vinyasa. It is fairly close to a work-out. It is a series of yoga positions mixed with cardio that concentrates on your breathing. Every time I go, I come out completely relaxed.

3. Music: Yes, music. It can relax your mind and sooth your soul. I would recommend something soothing and light. I prefer Adele and Maroon 5, because they are soothing, yet I don't sacrifice my favorite artists. Try to stay away from rock. It does sooth at times, but usually it feeds into anxiety because of the harsh tones and beat.

4. Tea: Drink Tea. Any type of tea will do, but I would recommend Chamomile. It is by nature a soothing tea that calms. It also eases stomach problems including the stomach flu.

5. Exercise: I know this seems out of place, but I wanted to put it in because some people are relaxed when they are active. Exercises releases tension in your muscles and causes you to focus. So while your at the gym, hit a punching bag or two and pretend it's all of your problems.

Thanks for tuning in and be safe. :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Response to Diane's Blog- "Sir Reads-A-Lot"

"Sir Reads-A-Lot"

I love blogging and all the topics people write about, but I believe this is by far the funniest post I've read by far. It just goes to show how a creative mind works. I also love this post, because it is a creative piece without prejudice. I see so many teachers scorn rap when it can actually stimulate a child creatively. Yes, I understand some songs insult women and emphasize violence (believe me I've heard a lot of them), but if we find the right ones we can really inspire students that can relate to it. I believe done in the right way rap is can be a form of poetry where people can express themselves. I feel that any method which prompts kids to think out of the box is worth while, even if some people oppose it. There will always be nay-sayers, but as long as we are not offending or hurting anyone I believe it's okay. For instance, there are people that say Facebook is corrupt and would never use it as an activity in class. These are also the people that stray away from technology. I feel anything that can catch a student's interest is worthwhile.  Also I found a pretty entertaining video on Thesis Statements done in rap that I hope you will all like. It is creativity at its best. :)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Lack of Interest, Lack of Education, or Just Plain Rude?

Welcome back, readers. I hope all is well with you. Tonight I will be going on a rant. I warn you now of this, so you may have a choice. Here goes:

Today was a hard day. I pride myself on my patience, but what destroys the solid wall I have built is being disrespected. There were two incidents. The first was on the wrap line in AU's cafeteria. As many would know, trying to grab lunch during rush hour is difficult. Everyone on all the lines resemble the zombies from "The Walking Dead," when Rick first meets Glenn. I maneuver around one girl and lightly tap her bag by accident. It was so light that a regular person would disregard it, but of course the girl has to say, "Excuse me," to her friend as if I wouldn't hear it. Yes, it's my fault for tapping her, but she didn't have to belittle my existence. I apologized and thought life could move on, but she had to talk about me right in front of me in a hushed voice to her friend. Note: A hushed voice is audible from a foot away. I removed myself from the situation, because I was livid. After that occurrence, I started wondering, "Why?" Why can't people be kind or have a little bit of patience? Is it a genetic trait or is it learned? Is it possible that people just don't care? I was raised as a Catholic, but am not that rigid with the practice. Yet I have always believed that one should treat others as one wish to be treated. Even in school it was reinforced, we should all treat each other as equals. I just couldn't wrap my head around it.

Earlier tonight I was in the holy land, Barnes and Nobles. I treated myself to a couple of books and went to the line having forgotten what happened earlier today. There was a father and son ahead of me kind of on the line, but not really. I couldn't distinguish if they were or not, so I believed they were, because I didn't want any confusion later, such as people accusing me of jumping the line. So, I waited my turn. One cashier became available and beckoned the people forward. I was then distracted by those tantalizing items they always keep near the cashier. It hadn't even been 5 seconds before I had the gentleman, not really that gentle, prod me forward with his words. He alerted me that there was a cashier open and I expressed to him my confusion and walked towards the teller. He did not stop there. He then said in a trite tone, "Jeez, how many times do they have to call you," and then mumbled as he went to a different teller. My vision was covered in red spots. I then told him, "I didn't know if they were going or not. There is no reason to be disrespectful." He ignored me, I bought my books, and he bought his. I then left in a worse mood than before.

Why is it that people disrespect others so easily for such minor things? Is it that parents and teachers don't teach people manners at an early age? I want to teach my students that we should all be respectful towards one another regardless of our gender, race, or religion. Little things similar to those mentioned before should not throw us over the edge. I'm sure that the man in the bookstore thought I was a stupid teen, because I was still wearing my gym clothes. Why does that matter? I am a lady and want to be respected as such. Do teens deserve less respect? I do not believe so. We are all equals; we are all human.

So tell me do you think I just had a bad day or was it a lack of interest, lack of education or just plain rude?

Good-night and stay safe. :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

S.T.A.R. Revision Strategy

It's People, Not Programs

This article, "It's People, Not Programs,"speaks the truth. A program is only successful as the person implementing it. If a teacher is not effective, then why just create a new program and then place blame on it? It's the person that matters. If a person is not successful with one method, then they should try another. Sadly, most of the time this is not how other teachers think. For most teachers, teaching is just a job and not a gift. Some teachers don't even want to teach, but this is where they ended up. I believe that every student deserves the best education they can receive. Teacher's that only stick to one approach are doing them a disservice, because all students have their own way of learning. This article illuminates some of the issues: the classrooms are too stuffy, some lecturers fail in communicating their point, some activities are poorly created, and there is overemphasis on classroom management to the point where the students are afraid to share their thoughts. How are students supposed to learn in a non-conducive environment? The answer is they don't. They will find alternatives such as playing an Ipod or texting. It is a teacher's duty to help students reach their greatest potential and to do this a teacher must be open to new ideas.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Response to ""Education: Connecting the Lonely Profession"

Article: Education: Connecting the Lonely Profession

This article alleviates one of my fears, being alone. I fear that once I become a teacher at a school, the teachers will ostracize me for no other reason than being new. I see it happen in the school that I am observing and it's not a pretty sight. They just ignore that she's there. When I see the "Lonely Teacher," I spark up some conversation and realize that her class seems to be the most enjoyable out of all of the teachers. She has many fun, new activities that the students participate in and enjoy. The other teachers could learn more from her, but instead they decide to shun her only based on the fact she is a new teacher that just started this year.

I have always feared being the "Lonely Teacher." I love discovering new things and then sharing it to anyone I can get to sit in a chair for a while. I can't imagine having no one there to express my thoughts to. Now there is no need to keep people captive in their seats; the World Wide Web does it for me. It's a new way of communicating ideas, working on projects, and building new relationships. I find it liberating that I can find interesting new ideas at a touch of a mouse rather than rummaging my local library for lost books.

In the article, "Education: Connecting the Lonely Profession," it shows an alternative to being alone, blogging.  Connecting through the blogosphere allows not only teachers to communicate their ideas, but also the students. I was impressed by the project the students did in the article. I always wanted to do a similar project where an international classroom can connect with us, but I never knew through what medium I could do it in. Now I know and in the future I can try it. This article has inspired me to read more blogs. If this type of invaluable information is out there, then I will find it. I don't want to become the "Lonely Teacher."

Monday, October 24, 2011

In The Woods: Part II

Hello Everyone! I hope you are doing well. Here is Part II of my story. Yes, there is more to come, so stay tuned. As always, be safe and have a good night. :)

His velvety laughter surrounds my body.
“Do you really believe that you can claim revenge in the state that you are in? I love a good laugh.”
“Yes, I can.”
“A few memories cannot arm you against the powers you dare to face.”
“You know nothing.”
“I know enough to know that contrary to your opinion you will die if you face her. Your powers were buried inside you, so that you may not discover who you are. Yes, you can defeat her, but only in time. Come with me.”
“What makes you so sure I can’t defeat her now? I’m pretty sure I can.”
“Oh really, try summoning your powers.”
“Fine. Watch me.”
“Wait. I want to make this a little bit more interesting. If you successfully summon your powers, we will immediately do what you want to do: revenge, blah, blah, blah. But, if you cannot summon your powers then you must obey me and we will go to the Den where you will be trained. What do you say?”
“You’re on, oh-ye-of-little-faith.”
“Go ahead, darling.”
I move over in order to have some space to work my magic. I take a deep breath in and out, then close my eyes. I concentrate deeply on the summoning. The words said years ago resonate in my mind now. O matrem terram, caelum pater, germana ignis et frater aqua, da mihi dote. Benedic mihi potentiam tuam. Complete meum et nos unum. One is all; all is one. One is I and I am they. Blessed be.
There. I did it. He should be happy. I slowly open my eyes and see a large smirk cross his face. My stomach feels like it’s on the floor and my heartbeat is in my throat. Immediately I know. I failed.
“Well that sorts that out. We will be on our way then.”
I just can’t believe it didn’t work. It has worked in the past. Is there something wrong with me? Am I sick? Am I desensitized? Have the deities given up on me?
I think he sees how distraught I am, because a look of pity passes through his face and a chill passes through me. It was only for a second, but I know what I saw. I don’t want anyone’s pity. I’ll go to this place that he wants me to go to. I won’t like it, but I know I will succeed at gaining my powers back one way or another.
We heard the thunderous shriek of metal on metal that alerts us that the boat was arriving at port, which we both disregard.
“I will go.”
He gives me that smile that warms me to my core. This time I know he’s not flirting. It’s his power emanating from his body, giving off warmth when he is happy and a frosty chill when he’s sad. His eyes are now as blue as the daytime sky. He sweeps his hand before me to beckon my departure, but I stand there feet frozen on the ground. I can’t move. This is the first time I can say that I fear the unknown. I knew the people back in the forest, but these people may be completely different. The only person I would know is standing in front of me with worry in his now stormy grey eyes. I think about telling him that he shouldn’t change his eyes so freely in public, but I feel he’s doing it on purpose for my comfort, so I let it go. I inhale and exhale. I’m ready. He holds out his hand to me and I take it. He guides me off the ferry with a gentle grace. Now I walk blindly off into what the future holds for me.

This is absolutely disgusting. I never thought I would be breaking into the Belvedere Castle with someone I haven’t seen in years. Granted we used to do this all the time, but I’m a changed girl… or at least so I thought.
We sneak into the grey stone building that wishes that it could be a real castle and not just a tourist site. Once we’re inside, I can feel it. It is very light, but it’s there. It feels as if the ground itself is pulsating. There is a hum in the air that smells of power. Goosebumps run up my arms and the hair on the back off my head stands on end. I feel as if something great is waiting to occur. It’s stifling hot.
“Are you okay?”
“Is it me or is it burning in here?”
“It’s about fifty degrees in here, so no. I really don’t think it’s hot.”
“Really? I’m dying.”
“You’re probably just nervous that’s normal. Come on. Let’s go before you lose your nerve.”
“I’m going to ignore that.”
We walk to a far wall in one of the rooms where a huge carpet-like tapestry fills most of the wall. It is a scene of an angel grasping a human’s arm. Beckoning the human to come with it, but the human’s lower body seems to be tangled in vines on the ground. There is a light where the fingers touch. I shiver.
“This is it.”
“This is a wall.”
“This, my dear, is a secret entrance way.”
With a quick movement of one arm, he pushes the carpet away to reveal an aged wooden door. He uses his other arm to open the door towards me. Once it opens, scents of every type fill my nose. It is hard to describe, because it keeps changing. Once I think I have figured out the scent, it changes again. I walk towards the entree way only to discover a spiraling stone staircase. The stones that it’s made of are much older than those up here. I glance at Daron and he makes a slight movement with his head to go in. I pause for a small prayer— I hope I am doing the right thing.
A light emanates from the very bottom of the stairwell, but it is so faint and far away. It’s disheartening.
“Don’t worry. You don’t have to be afraid of the dark. I’m here.”
“Yeah, right. That only scares me more.”
His laugh warms me up even further causing the heat to blind my senses for a moment. I touch the slippery, cool moss surface and find a slight relief. I lean as much of my body onto it.  
“Kat are you sure you’re okay. I can always carry you down like a prince.”
“Just shut the door and let’s go.”
“Sure, Mrs. Grinch as long as you don’t steal Christmas.”
Slowly we descend the steps.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Welcome Back Free-Writing

Welcome back everyone. Thanks for tuning in. :)

The next section for the story is still in the works, so I will be briefly talking about the differences between creativity in different schools I have seen. It's more of a vent if anything.

In the High School that I have observed, there is almost no creativity in the English classroom. How is this possible you ask? Simple, it is all dry lecture. They fall asleep in the class and play their iPods in a way they believe no one can see. Honestly at times, I wished I could have fallen asleep as well. I gain nothing in my observation other than advice on what position I can take a nap in without the teacher seeing me. This advice was given to me by a student.

In the High School my cousins go to in Garden City, they have a series of creative projects that stimulate their senses as well as their minds. This is not an honors class. This is the class that most students attend. This is the same High School that gave the "Hunger Games" as summer reading (if you haven't read it, you should. I absolutely love it). Amazing! They are successful in keeping the student's attention to the point no student has more than one absence. They show that they are interested in the student and take into account their interests.

Why is there such a difference between districts? Is it because of race? If one classroom is diverse and the other isn't, does it mean they don't deserve the same playful learning? Is creativity reserved for those in Long Island? I believe everyone has the right to a proper education. For me, it's not about the location; it will always be about the student. Students shouldn't be bored to tears in the classroom. They should be expressing themselves freely and learning by exploring different points of view. Something so easy as telling the students to create an ending for a story inspires them.

Shown below is an example of success. It's my cousin's paper. She is a Freshman at Garden City High School. I helped her with the mechanics, but it was developed from her creativity. I'm so proud!

Lauren Weisburg                                                                                                                   9-23-11
Mrs. Slater/Mr. Arena                                                                        The Lady or the Tiger Ending

          He turned, and with a firm and rapid step he walked across the empty space. Every heart stopped beating, every breath was held, and every eye was fixed immovably upon that man. Without the slightest hesitation, he went to the door on the right, and opened it. The cold doorknob felt alien in the lover's hot, sweaty hands. The princess began to back away for she thought the ferocious tiger would come out, and it was at that moment that from out of the darkness appeared two fierce blue eyes. The eyes could belong to either the lovely lady, or the ferocious feline. Then slowly and seductively the young lady, whom the princess envied so much, walked out of the door and into the coliseum. The young man appeared happy and somewhat shocked, but in actuality he knew his princess would pick the lady. He knew that the princess would never choose such a horrible fate when she loved him so much. The people in the audience that were once at the edge of their seats were now in awe at the appearance of the gorgeous lady in the stunning wedding gown.

            The lover looked up at the princess with gratitude while the princess could only manage to return him a cold stare from a pale face. The princess could not bear to look at the joyous couple for a second longer; every second she gazed upon her lover with that lady, whom she envied most in the world, she felt a pain in her chest so great it was unbearable. Now she looked at her father with such a burning hatred, she could kill him. She scanned the audience for the gatekeeper: the man who lied to her, who betrayed her...who secretly loved her. As she scanned the audience in a vicious rage, the king looked at her with pity, disgusting, horrible, unwanted, and unnecessary pity. Why should the king sympathy her? For was it not him that put her in this position? If the king truly pitied his only daughter, why would he make such a trial happen? The princess knew her father's mercy was fake, and spiteful. She looked up at him with disgust and hissed, "I will never forgive you for what happened today." The king just bellowed a deep laugh and said, "Oh, you will get over it." And with that the princess stood up and left in pursuit of the sly gatekeeper to give him what he deserves.

            The audience was completely blown away at the beauty of the dress. It was composed of pure white silk with an intricate beading design. It was perfectly classic but yet original. Its sleeves were made up of a form fitting lace and one the sleeve ended at the shoulder, the material seamlessly changing from lace to silk. With buttons running down the back of the dress, where it was tighter towards the top accentuating her curves, the dress started to flow towards the bottom to give off the impression that the lady wearing it was floating towards the lover rather than walking. As for the lady, she was gorgeous already but with the dress she could be a deity. The wedding proceeded from then with the ringing of angelic bells. Three little girls in fluffy lavender colored dresses threw pink, white and yellow Mama Mia rose petals on the coliseum floor creating an aisle for the new couple to walk down. At the end was a minister all in black ready to wed the lover and the lady. Before the lover walked down the aisle, he looked back to get one last glimpse of the woman he truly loved after she gave him such a cold stare, and with that she was gone. He knew he would someday learn to love the lady standing beside him, which only made him feel worse. Depressed, he looked back down the aisle and began to walk along with the stranger that was now to be his wife.

            After much searching, the princess finally found the gatekeeper. She ran up to him and yelled, "How dare you lie to me?!" Then she slapped him across the face and kept yelling until she got a response. "I only lied because I thought you were going to tell him to go to the door with the lady" he said as the princess continued to yell as tears streamed down her face. "What does it matter to you?!" The gatekeeper hesitated whether to tell the princess the truth. "Answer me gatekeeper!" The gatekeeper finally said, "Because I needed to get rid of him. I thought you were going to tell him to open the door containing the lady, so I told you the opposite. Therefore when he opened the door you thought contained the lady, the tiger would come out and kill him." There was a long silence before she finally answers. She was so angry and distraught that she was almost out of breath. "It wasn't your choice to make, it was mine! How could you make a choice for me like that?" This time, without hesitation the gatekeeper said, "Because I love you." The princess impulsively responded with anger and frustration, "You were still wrong for you should know that I could never love you". And with that the princess left the gatekeeper with a sore cheek and a broken heart.

            Heartbroken and full of grief, the princess sat up in her room thinking about what happened the day of the trial. The more she thought, the worse she felt, and the worse she felt, the less she ate. Now, two months later with no letters from her lover, no food in her stomach and only depression and grief in her head, grew thoughts of suicide. Her days consisted of staring out the window of her room and thinking of that day of the trial. She was so full of self-doubt and she began to think she was a horrible person because of what she had chosen for her lover as well as what she said to the gatekeeper. She wished she could go back in time and change her decision; she wished she had pointed to the door on the left. One day she realized that no matter what happened the past could not be changed. However, revenge can be made. That same day in the late afternoon while the sun began to set, she called her servant to get her father. When her father entered, he saw the princess standing on the edge of the windowsill with the window wide open with the wind blowing through her long silken brown hair and rustling her white nightgown. She looked at him with tears in her eyes, face red from crying and said, "Father, I am in need for a hug," so the king stood up on the window sill and gave his daughter a hug. The princess then whispered in the king's ear, "I told you I'd never forgive you, and you laughed." She jumped off of the windowsill with her father in her arms. He was screeching with panic as he fell, while the princess fell peacefully and with pride. They both hit the ground simultaneously with a thunderous thud, and with that the princess got her revenge.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Edited Copy

I didn't know how to show that I deleted items, so instead I will say where I deleted it. I deleted about three sentences in paragraph one, one sentence in paragraph three, and two sentences in paragraph four.

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.”
~Mark Twain

            Life is full of trials and tribulations that test the endurance and patience of people. Those who can face extreme tests with courage will prevail in whatever trials they may face. There is nothing they cannot conquer. Mark Twain once said, “Courage is the resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not the absence of fear.” Here Twain is able to objectify fear. If a person is able to identify to their fear and resist the temptation to succumb to it, they will truly be a courageous person. This is what Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games and Chloe Saunders from The Awakening are able to do throughout their journey.
            Courage is something a person must have to face their worst fear. For Katniss Everdeen, hunger was her greatest fear. People constantly die of lack of food in her world where people are forbidden to hunt inside or outside their territory. Her district is one that relies heavily of the production of coal, but if the Capitol refuses access to it then the people will starve. This is the unjust world that Katniss must face. Since her father was “blown to bits in a mine explosion,” her family also had no income. Her mother fell ill because of mourning making Katniss the head of the family. Despite the fear of getting caught she musters all of her courage and goes into the forest to hunt as her father once did. Suzanne Collins creates a world in which the reader can get delve into. In her text, she incorporates fire as a symbol of courage through Katniss. For example, Katniss wears a cape of fire as well as lives in a town full of coal. Collins solely concentrates on Katniss’ development as a valiant hero full of fiery courage. 
            Courage is being able confront the unknown within oneself. For Chloe Saunder’s in The Awakening, she must face the supernatural powers within herself. Once she hits puberty, she begins to see strange people that others cannot see. Little does she know, she is a necromancer. She is soon discovered and is sent to a house called Lyle House. Here she is committed as a schizophrenic. Yet all does not seem right at the Lyle house, the people seem normal. She soon finds out she is in a halfway house for Supernaturals, where if you do not get better, you do not get out. She and her friends muster the courage to run away from the Lyle House. It is here that their friendship deepens. This depicted when Simon shows concern for Chloe, but Tori intervenes and says,
“No, I kidnapped her and forced her to escape with me. I’ve been using her as a human shield against those guys with guns, and I was just about to strangle her and leave her body here to throw them off my trail. But then you showed up and foiled my evil plans. Lucky for you, though. You get to rescue poor little Chloe again and win her undying gratitude.”
Tori shows that regardless of all the evil around them, they can still find the time to be kids and fool around a little. Kelley Armstrong depicts the inner struggle within all of the characters as they grow up in an intolerant world allowing us to feel their fear and their happiness once they acquire their freedom.
            Kelley Armstrong and Suzanne Collins both are able to depict the necessity of courage within their text. By nature, evil is intimidating. It is able to inspire fear with half a glance. Both Armstrong and Collins have realized this and have depicted evil in many different ways inside their texts. Yet there cannot be evil without some good in the world to show its contrast. Good harbors strength in knowing it is the right thing to do, which is depicted as a characters inner strength. Without the inner strength of all the characters, their world would have been annihilated, symbols would have meant nothing, many lives would have been lost and the story would not have been as relatable. It is also relatable, because of both the presence of good and evil, which allows the reader is able to see how the setting, plot and characters all depict the greater ideal of courage. In essence courage is resisting fear that evil creates.
            Courage is not something easily acquired. It something one must continually work at. New fears arise everyday in life just as old fears can be lost as easily. It all depends on the strength of the character. Both Chloe and Katniss have proven themselves to be strong resilient women that have shown great amounts of courage in life threatening situations. We can all learn a lesson from characters in these books; we must never give up on ourselves or we will be letting fear win.


Monday, October 3, 2011

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.” ~Critical Lens Essay

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.”
~Mark Twain
           Life is full of trials and tribulations that test the endurance and patience of people. Those who can face extreme tests with courage will prevail in whatever trials they may face. There is nothing they cannot conquer. Yet courage is not a trait one must be born with. It is a trait one may acquire. Mark Twain once said, “Courage is the resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not the absence of fear.” Here Twain is able to objectify fear. It is okay to acknowledge it exists as long as it does not rule a person’s life. If a person is able to identify to their fear and resist the temptation to succumb to it, they will truly be a courageous person. This is what Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games and Chloe Saunders from The Awakening are able to do throughout their journey. Even though they must go through countless obstacles they are able to succeed in gaining freedom. Thus showing that although a situation may seem bleak, good will prevail over evil as long as one has courage and a positive outlook to face the situation.
            Courage is something a person must have to face their worst fear. For Katniss Everdeen, hunger was her greatest fear. People constantly die of lack of food in her world where people are forbidden to hunt inside or outside their territory. Her district is one that relies heavily of the production of coal, but if the Capitol refuses access to it then the people will starve. This is the unjust world that Katniss must face. Since her father was “blown to bits in a mine explosion,” her family also had no income. Her mother fell ill because of mourning making Katniss the head of the family. Despite the fear of getting caught she musters all of her courage and goes into the forest to hunt as her father once did. Suzanne Collins creates a world in which the reader can get delve into. She is able to show how Katniss is able to develop as a valiant hero who will eventually be the one who puts an end to the horrendous Hunger Games.
            Courage is being able confront the unknown within oneself. For Chloe Saunder’s in The Awakening, she must face the supernatural powers within herself. Once she hits puberty, she begins to see strange people that others cannot see. Little does she know, she is a necromancer. She is soon discovered and is sent to a house called Lyle House. Here she is committed as a schizophrenic. Yet all does not seem right at the Lyle house, the people seem normal. She soon finds out she is in a halfway house for Supernaturals, where if you do not get better, you do not get out. She and her friends muster the courage to run away from the Lyle House. It is here that their friendship deepens. This depicted when Simon shows concern for Chloe, but Tori intervenes and says,
“No, I kidnapped her and forced her to escape with me. I’ve been using her as a human shield against those guys with guns, and I was just about to strangle her and leave her body here to throw them off my trail. But then you showed up and foiled my evil plans. Lucky for you, though. You get to rescue poor little Chloe again and win her undying gratitude.”
Tori shows that regardless of all the evil around them, they can still find the time to be kids and fool around a little. Kelley Armstrong depicts the inner struggle within all of the characters as they grow up in an intolerant world allowing us to feel their fear and their happiness once they acquire their freedom.
            Kelley Armstrong and Suzanne Collins both are able to depict the necessity of courage within their text. By nature, evil is intimidating. It is able to inspire fear with half a glance. Both Armstrong and Collins have realized this and have depicted evil in many different ways inside their texts. Yet there cannot be evil without some good in the world to show its contrast. Good is hard to achieve, but is as equally as rewarding. Good harbors strength in knowing it is the right thing to do, which is depicted as a characters inner strength. Without the inner strength of all the characters, their world would have been annihilated, many lives would have been lost and the story would not have been as relatable. It is also relatable, because of both the presence of good and evil, which allows the reader is able to see how the setting, plot and characters all depict the greater ideal of courage. In essence courage is resisting fear that evil creates.
            Courage is not something easily acquired. It something one must continually work at. New fears arise everyday in life just as old fears can be lost as easily. It all depends on the strength of the character. Both Chloe and Katniss have proven themselves to be strong resilient women that have shown great amounts of courage in life threatening situations. We can all learn a lesson from characters in these books; we must never give up on ourselves or we will be letting fear win. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Story Time

Good evening Ladies and Gentleman and welcome to my blog. Tonight I will try something new that I saw Michael do; I will post my story on my blog. Any editing advice is welcome since I sometimes cannot catch my mistakes alone. This is the beginning of a larger piece (not the one that I mentioned previously), but I hope you like it nonetheless. I know we all have work (God knows I feel like homework has taken a steady flow upwards), so I am grateful for your visit. Thanks for stopping by and as always stay safe. :)

"In the Woods"

            Despair threatens to consume my being. One tear streams down my face leaving a flaming hot path in its wake. This will be the only goddamn tear that he gets from me.
            I’m leaving the dazzling lights of the Big Apple and exchanging them for the fuzzy ones on the Garbage Isle I call home. I try hard not to go home this late. Thanks to a fear given to me in childhood I know it’s not safe. Yet I miss the beauty of the Upper Bay at night. The moon shines on the sapphire colored water making it glisten with delight. The clouds hang so low that they look like they will fall with a feather’s weight. The gentle wind blowing across my body touches me like a gentle lover. A gentle lover… It’s more like a frantic storm. The wind that touches me freezes me all the way down to my soul. I shiver.  
            Another tear slips from my eye. It burns with a heat so strong that I feel as if it can take off the very flesh it touches.
 “Why me?” I ask.
To my surprise, I hear a response.
“Because you look frozen,” says a male voice.
I whip around quickly.
“Oh… Uh… Sorry, I didn’t hear what you said.”
“Oh, I had asked if you wanted to wear my jacket. It is unusually chilly tonight.”
“If you’re asking me if I want to go back to your place, then no, I’m not interested.”
His deep bass chuckle sends chills up my spine.
“No, but I’ll take that as a compliment. You look very cold and I thought, ‘Hmm, tonight I am going to be a gentleman and give her my coat.’”
He laughs again, but this time it brings chills to more intimate parts of me. He is pure trouble. I don’t know if I can handle this so soon after.
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Nothing, it’s none of your business anyway.”
“I was just saying it because despair reaches your eyes. It’s unbecoming for your chestnut colored eyes to be marred with such pain.”
“Give me your jacket. Anything to get rid of that ‘oh-so-holier-than-thou’ attitude.”
The gentle curve of his lips that he gives me in response set a flame inside me that threatens to consume me at that moment. His eyes… There is something strange about his eyes. They are as dark as the sea on a stormy day. It is as if something was tugging at me, beckoning me to come. I try pushing away from it, but it holds me in a steady vice.
He gently places his raven colored leather jacket on my shoulders. I feel the borrowed heat radiating from the jacket, his heat. The jacket is warming me down to my very core. It is thawing this crystallized heart that barely beats. I no longer feel the ache of the break-up; rather I now feel the pain of my heart melting. It is the most hideous sensation I have ever felt in my life, yet the most familiar. 
“Thanks,” I said.
“No worries.”
I take the time out to look at him, to really look at him. Hopefully he doesn’t catch me. The moonlight seems to be playing a game of tag on the tops of his onyx loafers. His dark jeans are pressed, but has rips methodically placed in it as if a designer said, “Here, I will place this space and it will be good.” If it is made to tempt women to touch those little bear patches of skin, then it is working. I suppress the aching desire in my hand. On top of it all, I could see his toned muscles through the shirt that looks poured onto his skin. I suppress a sigh.
Then I reach his face… His features… He looks like one of those famous sculptures that people just always seem to admire. The lengthy featherlike eyelashes, which dance like butterflies when he blinks, counteract the abrupt changes in his facial structure.  Man can be both beautiful and handsome at the time.
His eyes never left my own. He sees my intrigue and maybe even more. The look in his eyes makes my heart speed double time, my palms become sweaty, and my mouth begins to water. There is one thing that I know when I am looking into his disrobing stare; I want him. This is not supposed to happen. Not so soon. Can’t the universe let me mourn just a little?
Then something unexpected happens, the look in his eyes change. They turn fierce. For a moment, I am taken aback and that’s all he needs. He comes towards me abruptly. His lips are so close to mine, I can feel his hot gentle breath. His lips remain hovering there… just hovering; tempting me beyond my comprehension. All of my breath escapes in one rushing torrent. My legs feel like Jell-O. I close my eyes waiting in anticipation for the inevitable.
“You can have your revenge,” he says.
“What?” I ask stuck in a hazy world that is no longer my own.
Another unexpected surprise, he begins to chuckle. He steps back and begins his sacrosanct laughter.
“I can offer you something no one else can offer. Only if you join me.”
“Join you?”
“In our mission to destroy the others who also walk the night.”
“All will be revealed in time. All you must do is say, yes. Then the power you always wished for will be yours. Do not look so skeptical. Fate brought us here. Now we must finish the job.”
“I don’t know about…”
“I know you, Katharina. I know you grew up with no father and an abusive mother. I know that to escape it you would run into the woods. Even then you weren’t safe. When you came of age, you left for this city. Yet it followed you and continues to haunt you.”
“You don’t know me.”
“Do you that to be true? Look at me and remember…”
Swimming in his eyes, I begin to see the shifting of colors from blue to purple and then to green. It settles at emerald green and that’s when everything becomes clear. I remember those nights in the forest. I cannot believe I forgot.  All those nights filled with tales of the known and unknown; lost was the knowledge gained from those nights. It was not a few, but many… I forgot who I am, what I was.
“Do you remember?”
“Yes… Everything.”
“Will you help us as you did before?”
“I will try, but there is one stop I must make.”
“For what?”

If you made it to this part, it means you read it. Yay!!! I hope you liked it. It's just a teaser for now. Once again suggestions or comments are welcome. Thanks!

Monday, September 19, 2011


"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." ~Harold Whitman

I don't know what made me come across this quote one day, but since then it has become my mantra. Whenever I write a story, I always remember this quote. I think I was maybe 15-years-old when I realized my passion for reading and writing. I loved experiencing different worlds and personalities I would otherwise have never known. It's an amazing thing- being a writer. I particularly love my brand of writing, SciFi. Yes, I am a nerd. I have come to terms with it. My flavor is anything supernatural such as vampires, angels, werewolves and fairies. The last two I have been tentatively caressing. Hoping it will be a successful attempt. So far, it seems good, but I will always be an Anita Blake gal.

When I was fifteen, I started on my first story and have not completed it. I always end up rewriting it, adding things and taking things away. When I revise a copy, I always save the original. It helps me see how I have grown as a writer and as a person. When the story grows, I grow with it. I am it and it is me and we share the space called time. All my writers know what I'm talking about when I say the feeling is unlike any other. It is like giving birth, well maybe with more pain. While birth may last minutes or hours, writing a piece can last you weeks, months, days and even years. It may take your whole life to perfect every word, but it's worth it.

Creativity is something very unique. It is a gift that visits few and leaves without saying goodbye. It is in the moon that smiles, the water that glitters, the air we suck, and the sun that glares. It is all around us and no where. I have been blessed with the little I have to help others connect with this omnipresent being. This is what I love to do; I love to read and write. I don't mind doing it the rest my life, because I know it's where I belong. It is also how I know I am alive.

Thanks for reading my spiel. Have a good night everyone and be safe. :)

Oh My Goodness... I'm Late!!!!!!

Tardiness. It is a word with many horrible connotations. Some say it's rude. Others say it's terrible or irresponsible maybe even both. You can imagine my horror when this happens to me of all people. I will be completely honest in my posts, because I don't believe in untruths. So you will know that I am telling you the truth when I say I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have never felt panic that strong.

This made me start thinking. What about those High School students that are late to class? Have teachers ever stopped to wonder where they are without having negative thoughts? Do those students have jobs? Do they have families that support them? How long is their commute? Do they have clothes to wear or shoes on their feet? These of course are extreme cases. They of course could just be cutting class to impress their friends, but one should always take into account all of the possibilities.

Lost in thought, I wondered how I could find a way to get to know my students. Then it hit me as I was typing, they could use blogs. They could also use journals, but I like this new move to technology. I believe it has great value. I want to be able to know my student's past, so that I can help them find their future. Blogs and journals are an excellent source of information on their lives. Of course there may be some disturbing things written, but when it comes up a teacher should be able to handle the situation accordingly. Personally I feel it's harmful and unhealthy to stifle one's emotions. I support any productive method that helps express one's inner being.

In my opinion, literacy goes hand in hand with the human self. It is how we communicate and express ourselves. We would not have as many literary works without emotion fueling the creativity. If we teach students to write, speak and relate using emotional connections, we will create students who will be able to relate to every situation and be able to achieve their greatest potential. Call me idealistic, but I feel it is worth a try.

Thanks for reading and have a good night everyone. :)