Sunday, November 6, 2011

It's People, Not Programs

This article, "It's People, Not Programs,"speaks the truth. A program is only successful as the person implementing it. If a teacher is not effective, then why just create a new program and then place blame on it? It's the person that matters. If a person is not successful with one method, then they should try another. Sadly, most of the time this is not how other teachers think. For most teachers, teaching is just a job and not a gift. Some teachers don't even want to teach, but this is where they ended up. I believe that every student deserves the best education they can receive. Teacher's that only stick to one approach are doing them a disservice, because all students have their own way of learning. This article illuminates some of the issues: the classrooms are too stuffy, some lecturers fail in communicating their point, some activities are poorly created, and there is overemphasis on classroom management to the point where the students are afraid to share their thoughts. How are students supposed to learn in a non-conducive environment? The answer is they don't. They will find alternatives such as playing an Ipod or texting. It is a teacher's duty to help students reach their greatest potential and to do this a teacher must be open to new ideas.


  1. I agree that having a technology classroom is great, but a creative classroom is better. Many studies in psychology prove again and again that humans do not learn in a vacuum. We need human contact, conversation and response in order to create a natural curiosity and motivation to learn.

  2. I agree with everything you said. It is a teacher's duty to help students reach their potential while teachers realize their own potential at the same time. Teachers are too afraid to fail or they're too lazy to change when something is not going right. I think they need to have the threat of a possible firing if they do not perform up to expectations. In business or the sports world, if you do not perform well, someone else will get your spot and teaching should be no different.
