Monday, September 19, 2011

Oh My Goodness... I'm Late!!!!!!

Tardiness. It is a word with many horrible connotations. Some say it's rude. Others say it's terrible or irresponsible maybe even both. You can imagine my horror when this happens to me of all people. I will be completely honest in my posts, because I don't believe in untruths. So you will know that I am telling you the truth when I say I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I have never felt panic that strong.

This made me start thinking. What about those High School students that are late to class? Have teachers ever stopped to wonder where they are without having negative thoughts? Do those students have jobs? Do they have families that support them? How long is their commute? Do they have clothes to wear or shoes on their feet? These of course are extreme cases. They of course could just be cutting class to impress their friends, but one should always take into account all of the possibilities.

Lost in thought, I wondered how I could find a way to get to know my students. Then it hit me as I was typing, they could use blogs. They could also use journals, but I like this new move to technology. I believe it has great value. I want to be able to know my student's past, so that I can help them find their future. Blogs and journals are an excellent source of information on their lives. Of course there may be some disturbing things written, but when it comes up a teacher should be able to handle the situation accordingly. Personally I feel it's harmful and unhealthy to stifle one's emotions. I support any productive method that helps express one's inner being.

In my opinion, literacy goes hand in hand with the human self. It is how we communicate and express ourselves. We would not have as many literary works without emotion fueling the creativity. If we teach students to write, speak and relate using emotional connections, we will create students who will be able to relate to every situation and be able to achieve their greatest potential. Call me idealistic, but I feel it is worth a try.

Thanks for reading and have a good night everyone. :)

1 comment:

  1. I hate being late too, I can't stand for it from myself and others. I agree with you, this blogging site is a great way to get students involved in work other then what's happening in the classroom.
