Monday, September 19, 2011


"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." ~Harold Whitman

I don't know what made me come across this quote one day, but since then it has become my mantra. Whenever I write a story, I always remember this quote. I think I was maybe 15-years-old when I realized my passion for reading and writing. I loved experiencing different worlds and personalities I would otherwise have never known. It's an amazing thing- being a writer. I particularly love my brand of writing, SciFi. Yes, I am a nerd. I have come to terms with it. My flavor is anything supernatural such as vampires, angels, werewolves and fairies. The last two I have been tentatively caressing. Hoping it will be a successful attempt. So far, it seems good, but I will always be an Anita Blake gal.

When I was fifteen, I started on my first story and have not completed it. I always end up rewriting it, adding things and taking things away. When I revise a copy, I always save the original. It helps me see how I have grown as a writer and as a person. When the story grows, I grow with it. I am it and it is me and we share the space called time. All my writers know what I'm talking about when I say the feeling is unlike any other. It is like giving birth, well maybe with more pain. While birth may last minutes or hours, writing a piece can last you weeks, months, days and even years. It may take your whole life to perfect every word, but it's worth it.

Creativity is something very unique. It is a gift that visits few and leaves without saying goodbye. It is in the moon that smiles, the water that glitters, the air we suck, and the sun that glares. It is all around us and no where. I have been blessed with the little I have to help others connect with this omnipresent being. This is what I love to do; I love to read and write. I don't mind doing it the rest my life, because I know it's where I belong. It is also how I know I am alive.

Thanks for reading my spiel. Have a good night everyone and be safe. :)

1 comment:

  1. I freaking love the quote you used Maribel. That quote should be everyone's mantra. You so don't look like a syfi fan, lol.
